Someday I'll take a little movie outside so I can actually see it.
A Time To Every Purpose Under The Heavens
Twenty or so years ago when I lived in another house there was the sweetest little boy that lived across the street from me. He used to play in the yard all the time. Today that sweet little boy came to visit me and told me he has good memories of that time. He's all grown up now and about to be married. I was thrilled that he stopped by.
On free cycle a woman said she had perennials to give away so I emailed her and she said I could have some of them She lives in DePere and I went there and picked them up. Her yard is beautiful with so many flowers and garden structures. I got some herbs, purple cone flowers and I forgot the names of the other ones that she dug out for me when I was there. She used her bare feet to do the digging...said she was a farm girl.
I also stopped at a few places as long as I was in DePere. Went to the thrift store, it was loaded with decorations for Halloween but too early for me to get any. I did get a pretty lavender sweatshirt to match my lavender shoes. I think lavender is the up and coming color because there is such a little bit of it and it's hard to find.
I got some wonderful nectarines at farmer's market, sweet and juicy, and a few odds and ends at Shopko. They were having a 70 percent off sale. Quite difficult to get around in DePere as there is a new bridge being built and a lot of road construction. I had fun going on the new double round about...a lot like a carnival ride LOL.
I just planted the new plants and watered the new grass this evening and that was my day. I'll be 67 tomorrow. I'll miss being 66 cause it was fun to say.
I went searching but didn't find any. Just perennials and bushes and mums...I don't like mums unless they are growing wild in someone's garden. The ones nowadays are too manufactured. When I was at Green Bay Nursery they had a couple piles of mulch, top soil and cocoa beans with broken bags that were selling for a dollar each. I was too lazy to load up the car or I would have taken some. They also have their tent sale going on right now. At Schroeder's they have the plants I want but already planted in their containers and I have my own. I noticed the red bench is moved to a different spot and covered with fake flowers. It's on sale for 30% off today. Anybody know any place in or near Green Bay that has annuals I could put in my big barrel planter?
The cats say it's nap time and then yard work I guess. What a great day...the rain went away yippee!
Clean up all the leaves and fruit this fall. Next spring, spray the trees with lime-sulfur while the trees are still dormant and again after leafing. Use a fungicide known as Captan. Repeat again in 10 to 14 days.
I also got this response from a gardening question and answer board:
It may have cedar apple rust, a fungus that effects crab apple and apple trees, the leaves start out with a small yellow spot that gets bigger and has some red around it normally. Then the leaves fall off. There's not much you can do about it this year, but next year you will need to spray the tree after it blooms. Spray it with copper sulphate every seven days for a month. that should keep it from getting it. Source(s): |
Did my yard maintenance then sat in my big red chair and read for a while. Book by Ann Hood is what I'm currently reading. It's called The knitting Circle's a very good book. Have a good for fireflies they sure are out in big numbers this week.
amd if you stop by I found out how to fix the crab apple tree and will post tomorrow
Went with Jenny to the 70th anniversary picnic of Annunciation Church/School. I got some souvenirs...enough for all my book club sisters if we ever get together again. I also got to look at the pictures from when I went to school there. I even found one of Dad singing in the choir that I had never seen before. We had a nice hamburger and root beer float lunch and in the raffle I won some animal blocks and a set of drum sticks. There was a very nice hat mittens and scarf set, hand knit, but the price was 35.00, kind of expensive. If it had been 15 I would have it now. The chicken booyah was smelling delicious but when I looked at it, didn't look good so I came home and made my own and that is delicious. Hardly anyone bought the booyah at the picnic. They didn't have the white elephant sale either so I think that cut down on people that were there. That always was a big draw as they had a lot of nice things, plants, books, etc. I have the A/C off tonight and all the windows open, it feels so good to be able to do that. One of my crab apple trees is dying. I've had this one about three years and last week I noticed a few yellow leaves on it. Tonight when I went out to look at it all the leaves are crispy and yellow/orange and there are holes in some of the leaves. When I scrape the trunk it's still green but most of the branches are brown underneath. I have no idea what caused this. I rarely, if ever, have anything die in this yard. It sure has me puzzled. I will be sleeping late tomorrow hopefully. Maybe do a little yard work. I won't cut the grass though until this heat goes away or the city says I have to...whichever comes first.
Booyah is a thick chicken stew that many believe was created in Northeastern Wisconsin by Walloon Belgian settlers. Mary Ann Defnet, a respected historian of Walloon culture in Wisconsin explains the origin of the rather unusual word in a letter sent to K. Fleurant, who had suggested to a reporter for the Green Bay Press-Gazette that the origin was bouillir, the French word for to boil. Although variations of this dish are found in many cultures worldwide, the wonderfully hearty dish called "booyah" can only be found in Wisconsin.
1 lb. butter
25 lbs. chicken, cut in pieces and browned
5 lbs. beef, cubed and browned
5 lbs. onions browned with meat
5 lbs. celery, diced
5 lbs. carrots, diced
3 pecks potatoes, peeled and diced
5 lbs. shredded cabbage
5 lbs. fresh tomatoes, diced
1 cup salt
4 teaspoons pepper
1 cup chopped parsleyThe following may be added if desired
5 No. 2 cans whole kernel corn or equivalent of fresh cooked corn.
2 lbs. dried split peas, soaked overnight and cooked until tender
2 lbs. dried navy beans, soaked overnight and cooked until tender.After the meat is browned thoroughly, add seasoning and enough hot water to cook until tender. Remove chicken from bones and cut into cubes. Place all the meat in one very large container and add vegetables in the order given with reference to length of time for cooking each, with enough additional boiling water for cooking the mixture. Watch the mixture carefully to prevent sticking and burning.
Makes 25 gallons
Recipe thanks to Mrs. Mary Ann Defnet, Green Bay. Originally appeared in "Wisconsin's Folkways in Foods", 1948; Collection made by the Wisconsin Home Economics Association."
Of course, when I make it at home I use much smaller quantities
2 cups corn kernels
1/2 onion, chopped fine
2 hot peppers, chopped fine
3 to 4 tomatoes, sliced thick
2 tablespoons butter
3 slices of cooked bacon, crumbled
1/4 cup bread crumbs
Salt to taste
Spread half the corn over the bottom of a 8 x 8 baking dish.
Top the corn with a single layer of tomato slices. They should fit snuggly.
Add half the onion and hot pepper on top of the tomato slices.
Dot with half the butter.
Sprinkle with salt to taste.
Repeat the layers in the same order.
Finish with a topping of bread crumbs and the bacon crumbles.
Bake in a pre-heated 375 degree oven for 45 minutes.
Library story day was yesterday and it was teddy bear picnic day. Hali Anne won the 'door' prize of a teddy bear. Milk and cookies were provided by the Red Owl Store and after there was a lunch picnic. Cheese sandwiches, bananas, rice Krispie treats and juice. It was a hot day but we were in the shade and there was a breeze.
Owen finally pooped on the toilet...I know, too much information...and I had told him I take him to toys r us for anything he wanted when he did that. He chose sitting in one of the cars and a Sponge Bob ice cream bar. He also wanted to run under the sprinkler which he did. Hali got picked up right after the library but Owen stayed for his little shopping trip.
I'm busy changing the house around as Friday Dan, Owen, and Hali will be moving in for a 'couple' months. I have a big house. Judge Judy always said when you move to an apartment make sure that you can afford it on your own if you ever split son didn't take the advice.