Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Spring Bulbs are blooming..

inside, of course, this is Wisconsin.  We had some more snow overnight again so our playing outside today consisted of shoveling but it was in the 20's this time so it seemed warm.  Tried something new for supper tonight, pizza rolls, sausage.  I remember having them at my cousin's house in Chicago about 45 years ago and I happened to notice them in the freezer section so thought I take a package home.  They were okay but not as good as the ones from a long time ago.  Of course, it could have been the excitement of traveling and being with family that made them so delicious back then.  The picture is my Paper Whites starting to bloom.  My Mom liked Paper Whites and even made her own yellow dish to plant them in at a ceramics class.  They are well scented so it's a good idea to have only two or three in bloom at a time.  Kids are gone to see their Mom tonight but will be back early morning.  I hope Hali is well enough to go skating and I hope the ice doesn't melt.  Poor Anakin is waiting at the back door.  I think she waits for Owen to come back.  She watches over him and has since he was a wee baby boy.  She runs from Hali the big tease. 


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sunny and 25

It was a good day and it went too fast.  I can't think of a thing I did today that was productive, and yet I'm very tired tonight.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Was a good couple days even with the cold weather.  Baked some really good blueberry muffins today.  I guess I'm in a muffin mood.  They go so good with tea and Dan and the kids eat them so fast I have to bake and hide :-).  Brought a car load of clothes, books, toys to Salvation Army Thrift Store today and then went across town to the 'Boutique' and got some computer games for Owen and for me, Kindergarten reading and Monopoly are a couple of the titles.  Got two real marked up old used cook books too.  I love reading them.  Also I got a VCR of the play lucky is that.  I've never seen it but it's the original version with all that wonderful music.  I got a couple cute outfits for each of the kids too.  I guess that's about it.  They had a nice planter there that I almost got but didn't feel in the mood for it.  I know I'll be sorry come summer that I didn't get it as it was really great.  Stocked up on birdseed and squirrel peanuts.  Wonder what to feed the rabbits.  I never had them before as there were always cats outside that kept them away.  I see them at night under the bird feeders and in the day running out from under the Christmas tree that I put in the yard.  The Cooper's Hawk was here very late today and she looked like she was having a problem flying.  I hope she's okay and the cold isn't too bad for her and her family.  Watched a little TV while I was spinning tonight...such a stupid show about lie dectector testing, the remote was across the room so I was stuck LOL.  Don't have to have surgery, my tumor was benign...I'm very grateful.  The weather bug says it's only 3 degrees and the time says 10 pm.  Going to go watch a movie or read for a while.  I can tell I'm tired, I'm talking too much


Looking out my upstairs window.

Friday, January 18, 2008

News and curious statements...

Stealing my Pepsi...sweet Hali





Anakin is sitting on my right arm so it's a little hard to type.

Cable guy was here today and changed my USB cable to an Ethernet one so now it works again.  I'd have to say I really didn't miss the computer although I had the option to go to the library and use theirs.

Such a snow storm we had.  It was snow storm Daniel, makes it the fourth one of the year.  It was actually beautiful with the snow hanging on all the tree branches.  And above freezing so the roads were not immediately slippery either.

I had an Ultrasound yesterday which was abnormal (what else would it be in an abnormal person I say).  So they did a biopsy, talk about a fun time...(Doc "some people have a few cramps with this and some people feel nothing at all";  Me "will I be getting pain medication or something to numb the site?"; Doc "that won't be necessary, it will last for less than 30 seconds"; )  Doctors are so full of bull shit.  I get the results next Thursday.

Owen had a great birthday, blew out all the candles but doesn't like cake I guess so he ate an extra portion of chocolate ice cream.  The kids haven't been here for a couple days...well, I guess just since Odie's birthday on the 15th.  He had another birthday at Chucky Cheese the next day.  Dan, his dad, was telling me that he was having fun putting the tokens in all the game machines...didn't know that they were games.  He thinks games are little like the Nintendo DS.

Computer was down about a week so I cleaned it out of all the junk files and some unjunk files.  Put all the pictures on CD's and then erased them.  Don't know why because I don't really need the drive space.  Time for a new computer soon, this one is 7 years old and still running WinME and only 128 of RAM.  Not so bad for me as I'm in no hurry but it gave the cable guy a laugh.

Cleaning out the closets, got bags and bags of stuff for the Boutique (read thrift store).

Wow only 3 degrees out right's good to be retired.  Have a good book to read.  Was at the library when I read the family site as to what book my sister was reading so I looked on the shelves and they didn't have that one but another by the same author so I got it...very good.

Packers are in the final play off game against the Giants on Sunday...start time 545p I think.  If they win it's on to the super bowl.  Game time temp will be 5 degrees with wind chill minus 10...yuck. 

What happened to those funky pictures on here, can't get them anymore...(edit...I see they are working again, must have been my computer)

That's all I've's by you?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Field Trip

We took a trip to the museum today to see the magic forrest and bruce the spruce and the kids got to play in the discovery room.  They have dress ups and lincoln logs, and many other things to play with.  They also had two artist, one was doing oil painting and one was working with textiles and they talked to the kids and explained and had them help a little.  It was 2 pm when we got home and both took a nice long nap before supper time.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My tooth incident stopped being will be up to a year before I will have a new one in, wait, post, wait, temp, wait, cap...3,200.00...would decide against doing's a front tooth. 


Other than that doing good.  Off to see a new doc tomorrow, weather above freezing, raining, all the snow is melting, one fly in the ointment is that Owen is pretty sick, possibly the flu.  Parents decided no flu I got mine.

The spunky little missy, and trying on her skates.  Melting so can't go skating for a while.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The kings are arriving in the morning

January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany

also the last day of Christmas

It was an enjoyable season at our house.

Now the Packers are winning so that means a shorter winter because we have something else to think about besides the cold and snow.

And I noticed just yesterday that it was still light out at 437 great is that!

This evening I sneezed real hard and one of my teeth came flying out, isn't that just a hoot!