Thursday, July 1, 2010

July first today, it's been a while since I posted

In reading back some to the posts I did, I wonder if I had some sort of premonition.  Probably not, probably just sad that summer was over.....but here it is summer again.  Can't remember what I couldn't remember before, I guess I never will according to my regular doc.
.....But I've gotten so much stronger again and take great pleasure in doing the yard work...the house work not so much.  I have a wonderful vegetable garden.  My tomatoes are huge and shaped well.  The peas are sweet and good, sunflowers are coming along, the herbs are growing well, the grapes are finally growing like they should again but I have to water them every other day.  I also have my second harvest of green beans and some little pumpkins called jack be nimble.   Lots and lots of flowers too in containers and in the ground.  I have a new tea garden that I love to go drink my teas and read my books.  Since Mother Nature stopped giving me my monthly gift, I buy my own and for the month of July I got a baby angel for my tea garden.  It's really sweet and a little remembrance.  Here are a few pictures.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Still amazed

and say the least, that I have lost all of November and part of December and the end of October. I can't seem to get over the sadness of it. I'm doing good though, my muscles are coming back strong and my memory is clear except for the above mentioned part. I know it is because of mega doses of pain killers and Versed and that's why I can't remember but I keep trying I know the memories must be here somewhere. It was such a nice Fall before. I had started four college classes, I had joined a knit along and had purchased such pretty yarn. My daughter sat with me everyday. Can you imagine, I feel so bad about that, it must have been very hard to do. I was expected to die but of course I didn't. She came everyday to the Rehab/Nursing Home and then came every day to my home to wash clothes, make meals, clean the house, take care of the cats, and raise my spirits. Now I have been discharged from Home Health and Jenny doesn't come every day anymore. I sure miss her. I'm glad she's getting on with her life. She's looking for a job and has parties to go to. I am doing the chores she used to do. I am gaining more strength everyday but going outside is still a little scary because of the ice and snow. Dan and his friend put up railings to the basement so now I can go down there and do the wash. Dan shoveled the snow, I can't do that yet, still too much work. My grandchildren were here all day while their Dad worked. They are so sweet.