Thursday, January 4, 2007

A sunset and a bumper sticker

The bumper sticker said The only thing I do that's domestic, is live in a house.

Green Bay set a new high temperature for today 45 degrees...and we still have no snow.  I did a little yard walk when I went out to fill the bird feeders.  The Crocus are up about two inches and there are buds on the Magnolia.  Of course there are supposed to be buds on the Magnolia this time of year because it blooms early.  Notice the pretty sunset too. 

When I was leaving a store today a man walked up and asked me for 75 cents for the bus.  I opened my purse and opened my wallet to look and all I had was a dollar so I gave him that.  I said God bless you and be well and watched him walk right into a liquor store.  Of course that isn't any of my business how he spends the dollar.  My business is treating my fellow man with respect and I believe I did that.

I watched on the news while a man on the other side of town said he was approached by a woman who asked for some money and he said he didn't have that much.  She pulled a knife and robbed him of the contents of his wallet.  I probably should have run back in the store or screamed or something, but I remember when I didn't have money for the bus.

I've been fixing the bulliten board for Owen as his birthday is the 15th, I put on a lot of pictures.  His Dad was telling me that someone came to their house today and Owen wished them Happy Holidays...they told him the holidays were over and he started to cry.  He's coming here tomorrow and I want to show him what comes next.

The world is a crazy place.  Did you hear on the news the letter that the Mom of the 3,000th American killed in the war wrote to her son upon his death.  It was so heartbreaking.



Anonymous said...

I noticed my little lilac bush is getting bigger buds too. The dogs started to bark at something today and it was the lady in back working in her garden.... sure is nice out today isn't it. I wonder if this is an early January thaw this year, :)

Anonymous said...

You are really lucky that you didn't get robbed by that person. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Helen

Anonymous said...

Maybe a dollar's worth of booze did make him well, and he sure needs blessings.  Hope it wasn't at night and people were around so you weren't in danger.  I love it that Owen wished their visitor happy holidays.  That's why I love kids so much.  He'll love the bulletin board with all his pics.