Monday, March 26, 2007

First Gardening Day

I uncovered my big raised bed and a couple other raised beds next to the house and garage and Mrs. Cardinal brought all her friends and they sat on one of the clotheslines and watched me.  They looked lovely all dressed up with their pretty orange lipstick.

I downloaded a library book called

Leeway Cottage by Beth Gutcheon

I listened to the first chapter and it is very good.  It's a novel and I can keep it for seven days.  I can get four book at a time but usually only get one. 
 A beautiful warm sunny day today.  I can smell delicious things cooking on grills.  I, myself, had a small Home Run Pizza cooked in the microwave and an orange...10 WW points.  My favorite pizza.
I am so very lucky to be coming into Spring and Summer.  I made it through another winter much to my surprise.  All my tests were not only negative but exceptionally good, so the doctor said. 
Looked forward all winter to getting back to gardening but it is still a darn hard job that produces sore muscles, but firms up the body and makes the heart strong too.
The picture was taken by my daughter of me and Owen when we were at Murphy Park on Saturday. 
Keep on the sunny side!


Anonymous said...

I am glad that all your test came back good. Great picture of you and Owen. Helen

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the good news from the doctor. keep up the good work. love the pic of you and Owen!!!! another beautiful day today!!!!!

Anonymous said...

With such great news from the doctor, you must feel like you can tackle the world again.  I'm very, very happy for you.  I love the way you describe "Mrs. Cardinal."

Anonymous said...

So happy you got some good news. Now you can really enjoy Spring.

Love the pic of you and Owen. He's such an adorable little boy.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm uneducated about some things.....What do you mean "downloaded" a library book?