Monday, March 5, 2007


I pretty much like all things Vintage.  One of my loves are Paint by Number pictures that other people have painted.  I love looking at them, they make me smile thinking of the people painting them.  I have my hall walls filled with them from top to bottom.  Several years ago when I started collecting them, I found them in free boxes at rummage sales.  Then at thrift stores for fifty cents or less.  I make sure I can see at least a little part of the blue lines that let me know it is, indeed, a genuine paint by number.  I look for them all the time but lately...maybe for about a year...I haven't been able to find any.  Today, though, I found one at the treasure store.  At $1.00 it was more expensive than I'm used to but I got it anyway.  I had to really search to find the blue line but eventually I did. 

I also got some vintage clothes for summer.  The book I'm reading is helping me pick out the ones with 'value'. 

Not really a good time to go treasure hunting as I think people are a little more lethargic at this time of year and don't do much cleaning and purging...I know I don't.

I also did some spinning.  I got two bags of wool from my sister and I've been spinning that, reading, and not much else. 

It's so cold out again but it didn't snow today at least.  No Blackbirds or Robins yet in my yard.  A lot of the usuals though. 



Anonymous said...

I really like this one.... Sandra

Anonymous said...

Paint by number was one of my favorite things when I was young.  I still have three pictures that were not painted but colored pencil.  I did 2 of them and my little brother did the other.  This would be a great thing to collect.

Anonymous said...

I used to LOVE paint by numbers! I'll have to look in the craft dept to see if I can find some to paint. ;-) I really like this one with the bear in the wagon! Too cute!

I haven't visited here in a long time. Just wanted to say hello! Hang on, Spring is coming! The blackbirds have had our trees covered for a couple of weeks as the weather is warming some! Maybe they're on their way up there.
hugs -
Mia and Stephen

Anonymous said...

What a great find.  It looks so nice.

We have robins all over the place.  Spring is coming, it really is.


Anonymous said...

Hello hello hello. I love the picture that you shared before your entry its beautiful. I love the colors and its wonderful to look at. The picture is just as wonderful as your entries. You are just like that picture you are needed at J-Land as this picture is needed because of its beauty. You are a treasure so do continue to stick around. Take care.