Sunday, July 22, 2007


That's the name I have given this squirrel.  She likes to shake all the bird seed onto the ground and then making chirping sounds if there isn't an ear of corn in the feeder or a few peanuts on the ground.  I spent the day laboring over the fact that I have a four hour dentist appointment tomorrow.  It will be over by noon. 


Anonymous said...

squirrels are pigs!  LOL   We use to grease up the pole so they couldn't get to the feeder.. they eat til it's gone.. same with morning pigeons.  Good luck at the dentist.. I remember those visits well

Anonymous said...

Good luck at the dentist. Squirells have become a nuisance here. Helen

Anonymous said...

I used to love the squirrels until they chewed into my attic storage room and cost me $2000.00 to repair. They are cute but I no longer put out bird feeders because they get so destructive.

At my next house I will find a way to feed the birds and hopefully the area won't have such a high squirrel population  :-)

Good luck at the dentist office. I don't envy you. I avoid dental appointments at all costs. :-)
