Stealing my Pepsi...sweet Hali
Anakin is sitting on my right arm so it's a little hard to type.
Cable guy was here today and changed my USB cable to an Ethernet one so now it works again. I'd have to say I really didn't miss the computer although I had the option to go to the library and use theirs.
Such a snow storm we had. It was snow storm Daniel, makes it the fourth one of the year. It was actually beautiful with the snow hanging on all the tree branches. And above freezing so the roads were not immediately slippery either.
I had an Ultrasound yesterday which was abnormal (what else would it be in an abnormal person I say). So they did a biopsy, talk about a fun time...(Doc "some people have a few cramps with this and some people feel nothing at all"; Me "will I be getting pain medication or something to numb the site?"; Doc "that won't be necessary, it will last for less than 30 seconds"; ) Doctors are so full of bull shit. I get the results next Thursday.
Owen had a great birthday, blew out all the candles but doesn't like cake I guess so he ate an extra portion of chocolate ice cream. The kids haven't been here for a couple days...well, I guess just since Odie's birthday on the 15th. He had another birthday at Chucky Cheese the next day. Dan, his dad, was telling me that he was having fun putting the tokens in all the game machines...didn't know that they were games. He thinks games are little like the Nintendo DS.
Computer was down about a week so I cleaned it out of all the junk files and some unjunk files. Put all the pictures on CD's and then erased them. Don't know why because I don't really need the drive space. Time for a new computer soon, this one is 7 years old and still running WinME and only 128 of RAM. Not so bad for me as I'm in no hurry but it gave the cable guy a laugh.
Cleaning out the closets, got bags and bags of stuff for the Boutique (read thrift store).
Wow only 3 degrees out right's good to be retired. Have a good book to read. Was at the library when I read the family site as to what book my sister was reading so I looked on the shelves and they didn't have that one but another by the same author so I got it...very good.
Packers are in the final play off game against the Giants on Sunday...start time 545p I think. If they win it's on to the super bowl. Game time temp will be 5 degrees with wind chill minus 10...yuck.
What happened to those funky pictures on here, can't get them anymore...(edit...I see they are working again, must have been my computer)
That's all I've's by you?
such sweet pictures. hope the biopsy is negative and all is well. Good thing you have a good book in this weather. I have 2 small ones and then have to go and get more. If you were talking about the winter rose, the book I just read it is very new so you may have to get on a list at the library but its worth it unless you want to come over and borrow mine.
Those kids are really cute. I hope your biopsy comes back ok. Helen
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