Thursday, February 15, 2007

Still in a warming trend, got to 21

I drove to the Wildlife Sanctuary today and went for a walk in the back forty.  The geese and ducks came flying in to join me (note the shadows).  We all walked quietly together for about an hour and then I went back to my car they all joined me in the parking lot.  When it came time for me to drive out they didn't part, so I ended up backing out.  The walk was an awesome experience with the critters. 

I also stopped at the treasure store to look around and I got a few things.  I was taking a picture of them when Anakin jumped up and posed for the camera, so here she is.

Baby Hali Anne is coming to sleep over, I think, tomorrow so I also stopped and got diapers and formula...and a couple toys.  One is a splashing pond and I hope to get a picture of her playing with it.

If you like vintage clothing or are curious about it, pick up the book Alligators, Old Mink & New Money by Alison and Melissa Houtte.  It is fun, light reading.


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