Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My work is done for the day...almost...

here are a few pictures of my Garden Class, the sunset on the drive home and whatever else I run across LOL...nap time for the cats and me too.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

another great day

This glass paper weight is the latest addition to my garden.  I put a little dish upside down and placed him on it.

I have my class tonight so I'm trying to be quick.  I turned on the hoses to water the new gardens and those darn robins started dive bombing me.  It seems I scared a baby robin out of the nest and I went to pick it up and put it back but they must have thought I was going to harm it.  All's well that ends well.

Gotta run.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day 2007

It's hard to know how much time to spend remembering. Memories are more often sad than happy.

The word "memorial" itself has a sad sound to it. Those to whom we are close die, and we want to remember them. We die, and we want to be remembered, but no amount of longing can bring anyone back, so there is a limit to the value of grief.

Memorial Day was originally dedicated to the soldiers who died in the Civil War. It was called Decoration Day because people went to cemeteries and put flowers on graves. Some still do.

When I was very young in Albany, my father took me to the parade and most of the men marching were veterans of World War I. There were still a few Civil War veterans in their 80s and 90s who could make it up State Street hill.

We think of this war now in Iraq as terrible because every day we get the news that three or seven more Americans have been killed.

In the Civil War, 365,000 Northern soldiers were killed, and 133,000 soldiers from the South died.

In World War I, 116,000 American soldiers were killed. In World War II, 407,000 died, 54,000 died in Korea, 58,000 in Vietnam.

More than a million Americans have died in our wars, each one much loved by someone.

Twelve of my classmates died in World War II, but my memory of them comes at unexpected times - not on Memorial Day - and I would like to see the effort we now put into this one day redirected.

There are men in every country on earth - mostly men - who spend full time devising new ways for us to kill each other. In the United States alone, we spend seven times as much on war as on education.

There's something wrong there. On this Memorial Day, we should certainly honor those who have died at war, but we should dedicate this day, not so much to their memory, but to the search for a way to end the idiocy of the wars that killed them.

Andy Rooney.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

South Side of House

Planted annuals there and placed a watering hose along the plantings so it's easier to water that side.  Nothing likes to grow there but I think that may be because it's full sun and dries out and I forget to water it.  A big variety of annuals.  I also planted a pot of Gazanias that Jenny gave me.  And I planted my Easter Lily to see if it will grow.  I did a little weeding and digging too.  A nice sunny day too cold for swimming but just right for gardening.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Holiday Weekend

Did a lot of yard work today, not planting but painting and hoeing, and weeding, and this and that.  Also cleaned the garage.  Here are a few pictures.  Still a lot of weeds as you can see.

Friday, May 25, 2007

In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's raining tonight.  Tied heat record for this day in history today.

My Dogwoods are in I love Dogwoods.

Sat in the shade this evening and read.  The book I'm reading is called  The Seven Sisters by Margaret Drabble.

The Joe Pye Weed is getting tall.  Picked a large bowl of rhubarb for bars and pie.  The grapes are beginning to twine already and the leaves are coming along nicely.  The Autumn Clematis is half way up the chain link fence and the other Clematis has a lot of buds about to open.  The Morning Glories have four sets of leaves on and are nice an green.  The honey suckle is in bloom, as are the geraniums, the pansies, and Bridal Wreath.  Lots of buds on the African Daisies and Oriental Poppys, it looks like it will be a good year so far.  Two swings, a sandbox, a little pool, yard toys, umbrella table and chairs and a nice red reading chair all ready for summer enjoyment.

The Robin nest is in the pine tree, four eggs, now hatched and all are doing fine.  Three days old today.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Planted raised bed, watered gardens

Raised Bed Plants

Leopard's Bane



Mystery Plant (Weed?)

Prairie Smoke

Cup Plant

Culver's Root



Wild Geranium

Also planted the Pink Wave Petunias from Jenny in a hanging basket

New Magnolia appears to be dying.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Still can't plant the plants

Owen was here for a couple days, lots of activities, Jenny came Saturday and Sunday too.  Busy and fun weekend.  Owen discovered he likes to have bare feet outside and boy did his feet get black, we went to see Shrek the Third, ate out a few times, had lunch in the park, played outside and inside and now it's time to get a good nights sleep.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mostly of Hali falling asleep but one of Owen.  Had both kids today for a couple hours.  Hope the weather holds out as I plan to do some planting tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What in the world has aol done now...what's up with the pictures?

Monday, May 14, 2007

A storm is coming

...rain, wind, hail.  Ominous!  I've battened down the hatches and secured everything I could secure.  I hope it passes us by.  I got one of those garden weazils or whatever they are called, just a generic one and boy did it work good to get out the weed roots.  I was going to get a small tiller but always the thrifty one I thought I'd try this first.  No back ache at all that I usually get from digging and it loosened the ground like a champ.  I got my 12 x 12 raised bed all ready for plants but too early to plant here so I'm storing the plants on the porch until I get too antsy about them being there and then I'll plant them and cover them if frost is predicted.  I guess I'm supposed to wait until after Memorial Day.  I'm planting all native Wisconsin plants this year and hope I have good luck.  I still have a few things left over from my Zoo garden of last year that I'm putting in also but it seems the ones that made it through winter are also native plants.  Like the turtle and the leopard and the anise and one other yet to be named.  I watched An Affair To Remember tonight.  Remember that great old movie about meeting on Valentines day in New of my favorites.

Tomorrow is take Owen to story time day. 



Sunday, May 13, 2007

Motherly Advice

Always change your underwear; you never know when you'll be in an accident.

Don't make that face or it'll freeze in that position.
Be careful or you'll put your eye out.

What if everyone jumped off a cliff? Would you do it, too?

You have enough dirt behind those ears to grow potatoes!

Close that door! Were you born in a barn?

If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

Don't put that in your mouth; you don't know where it's been!


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sunny Day

Did a lot of yard work today but first did some shopping for perenials at a new shop and an old shop.  Got a piece of fabric to cover Owen's turtle chair and a little stove for Owen to play with his pretend food on.  He'll be surprised and happy to see it.  I'm pretty tired to night after going to yet another store to get some mulch for the garden I'm working on.  I hope it all turns out good.  This time I'm going to make the name stakes out before I actually put in the plants so I remember what I have.  The good weather is supposed to continue tomorrow so I'm planning to finish up the raised bed. 

Jenny did a walk/run for charity today and I have added those pictures as well.  I'm so proud of her.  I am one lucky Mom to have such a sweet daughter.  She's on a weight loss diet and decided to do the walk/run as a step forward in her exercise program.  I talked to her after and she's pretty proud of herself too.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Beautiful Day

Sorry am I to be sick.  A cold I think. My eyes itch, my nose runs, my throat hurts.  I don't have allergies or that's what I would think it is.  Anybody got a good suggestion for an over the counter med?  This is the third day already.  Only had a small headache yesterday but that is gone.  My thirst is unbelieveable but I haven't floated away as yet.  Such a beautiful breeze blowing in my computer room window.  Tomorrow is another day.

Dan called and said he took Owen fishing today at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary.  Owen caught two rainbow trout and said they were delicious.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Yard Pictures

I'm very sick today, I guess I have a sinus infection and cold...the usual headache painful cheeks, cough, leaky nose, general lethargy.  My hospital imminuty must be over with now.  I did manage to go outside this evening to fill the feeders and baths, water the new plantings and take pictures.  Tomorrow I have my class and Owen's library story time but I won't be going to either.  Dan, Owen's father, is going to take him fishing tomorrow which I think is wonderful.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Saturday and Pleasant

Spent the day with my daughter and went to her new home and several other places, a nice day trip.  Stopped to pick up Owen on the way home and he's staying the night.  We are all a little bit sick with colds.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

Here's the recipe from my sister Joan

5 cups chopped fresh rhubarb

1 cup white sugar

3 cups miniature marshmallows

1 package strawberry flavored gelatin (3 ounce package)

1 package yellow cake mix (18.25 ounce)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease a 9 x 13 inch pan.

In a large bowl, stir together the rhubarb, sugar, marshmallows and dry strawberry flavored gelatin.  Pour into the bottom of the prepared pan, and distribute evenly.  Mix cake batter according to package directions; pour over the ingredients n the pan.

Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.  Run a knife around the outer edge of the cake to loosen; turn out onto a large serving plate while still hot. (I used another 9 x 13 inch pan}.  Allow the cake to cool before serving.  (I added whipped cream/ice cream)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Look my feet can reach the peddles finally!

Nice sunny day, a bit too windy, but pleasant.

Planting a few flowers and the Holly I got, also a little bit of ground cover to see if it works.  Some days muscles work a long time, some days they don' they didn't.  So came in to watch Judge Judy and have some Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup.