Monday, May 14, 2007

A storm is coming

...rain, wind, hail.  Ominous!  I've battened down the hatches and secured everything I could secure.  I hope it passes us by.  I got one of those garden weazils or whatever they are called, just a generic one and boy did it work good to get out the weed roots.  I was going to get a small tiller but always the thrifty one I thought I'd try this first.  No back ache at all that I usually get from digging and it loosened the ground like a champ.  I got my 12 x 12 raised bed all ready for plants but too early to plant here so I'm storing the plants on the porch until I get too antsy about them being there and then I'll plant them and cover them if frost is predicted.  I guess I'm supposed to wait until after Memorial Day.  I'm planting all native Wisconsin plants this year and hope I have good luck.  I still have a few things left over from my Zoo garden of last year that I'm putting in also but it seems the ones that made it through winter are also native plants.  Like the turtle and the leopard and the anise and one other yet to be named.  I watched An Affair To Remember tonight.  Remember that great old movie about meeting on Valentines day in New of my favorites.

Tomorrow is take Owen to story time day. 




Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what you put in your garden. I know it's going to be lovely.

Ouch on the storm. I do hope it passes you by and if not I hope it was kind.


Anonymous said...

Hi !!!!!!!!!!

The weather here in Georgia has been wonderful. It almost feels like Summer. I love that movie "An Affair To Remember". They did a remake of it a while back did you see it ? I do love the old one though. I wish I could join you and Owen at story time day. Story time day sounds wonderful I wish I could be there to go with you. I would love to join Owen as well I'm sure he will enjoy it. Do have fun for me !!!!!!!!!