Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My work is done for the day...almost...

here are a few pictures of my Garden Class, the sunset on the drive home and whatever else I run across LOL...nap time for the cats and me too.


Anonymous said...

Those were good. Helen

Anonymous said...

How fun a garden class... and the sunset so pretty... and your yard is always so inviting, love the red chair...
enjoy your nap!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

nice pictures! what did you plant?

Anonymous said...

We planted a lot of different kinds of beans and squash and also planted Canna Lilies around the border.  My bean was called Mayflower and they are a pole bean.  Real high tech stuff LOL.  It sure was a good time being with the others, we have a lot of laughs and learn a lot from each other.

Anonymous said...

How fun!  Looks like a really fun thing to do!!!
