Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sunny Day

Did a lot of yard work today but first did some shopping for perenials at a new shop and an old shop.  Got a piece of fabric to cover Owen's turtle chair and a little stove for Owen to play with his pretend food on.  He'll be surprised and happy to see it.  I'm pretty tired to night after going to yet another store to get some mulch for the garden I'm working on.  I hope it all turns out good.  This time I'm going to make the name stakes out before I actually put in the plants so I remember what I have.  The good weather is supposed to continue tomorrow so I'm planning to finish up the raised bed. 

Jenny did a walk/run for charity today and I have added those pictures as well.  I'm so proud of her.  I am one lucky Mom to have such a sweet daughter.  She's on a weight loss diet and decided to do the walk/run as a step forward in her exercise program.  I talked to her after and she's pretty proud of herself too.


Anonymous said...

Good for Jenny !  nice day for a walk as it wasn't too warm. Your lilac is simply beautiful. Did you pick some for inside?  

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing pictures of your garden.  Your entries inspire me to get out of this house and DO something.  My yard certainly needs flower beds.

Anonymous said...

Good for your daughter doing that walk/run for charity and for her health. The robin's nest and eggs are beautiful. Those flowers look to be some type of daylily. Helen

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. Thank you to your daughter to participating in such a great event!

I love your reading chair and your garden.  It looks so nice and peaceful
