Monday, May 7, 2007

Yard Pictures

I'm very sick today, I guess I have a sinus infection and cold...the usual headache painful cheeks, cough, leaky nose, general lethargy.  My hospital imminuty must be over with now.  I did manage to go outside this evening to fill the feeders and baths, water the new plantings and take pictures.  Tomorrow I have my class and Owen's library story time but I won't be going to either.  Dan, Owen's father, is going to take him fishing tomorrow which I think is wonderful.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are feeling so rotten. Hope you get well soon. Thats the first lilac I have seen in bloom this year. Yours is the perfect size.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. Everything is coming in so nicely!

You take care of yourself and get to feeling better.

