Monday, July 23, 2007

Gram's Bear

Here's Gram Bear that I spoke of along with Owen's Teddy Bear, waiting to go to the library tomorrow.

Spent the morning at the dentist.  Face is swollen and numb but I lived through it and it's over with.  I have a very nice and professional dentist, she does very good work and has a wonderful assistant . 


Anonymous said...

thats just like my bear... aren't we lucky to have such a talanted Mother. Glad you have the dentist behind you now... even if it still hurts I bet you are happy its all over. You deserve a break today. :>)

Anonymous said...

I finally downloaded the flash player so I could see your gram bear.  Very nice.  I don't have one, so maybe I will have to make myself one.  Nice that you have a nice lady dentist and that the ordeal is over.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, How Cute!!!!

Glad you made it through the dentist appointment :-)


Anonymous said...

Glad the dentist is over....
Linda :)