Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Library Day

Owen continues to have a lot of fun at library story time at SW library.  Today he made another new friend, Olivia, and they won a game together as partners.  We had a picnic at Murphy Park after for lunch.  It was a little windy and cold but fun.  There was a group of kids from a day care center again and Owen played a lot and ran around.  Hali was here today too but doesn't go to Owen's story time.


Anonymous said...

I love libraries. I'm glad you take Owen and Hali to the library. I learned to love libraries because of my parents and we had family outing to the big main library. Always a fun time and makes a great memory


Anonymous said...

Hi !!!!!!!!!! I wish I could have gone with you and Owen to the Library. I love love love love going to the library. Thanks for sharing this with us. Take care.